
The BABESCH Supplements is a series of books in the field of Mediterranean Antiquity, which complements the annual journal. The series includes monographs as well as the proceedings of symposia and edited volumes. The topics range from Mediterranean Prehistory to the Early Middle Ages. The hallmark of the series is the high quality standard which is accomplished by the academic peer-reviewing as well as through the careful editing and the high amount of figures and (colored) illustrations.

The volumes in the BABESCH Supplements are subject to academic anonymous peer review.

Current Supplement – Volume 46

BABESCH Supplement 46 (2023)
Alexandra Alexandridou, Yannos Kourayos, Ilia Daifa (editors), Despotiko, the site of Mandra. The “Temple” complex and its deposits
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Upcoming Supplement – Volume 47

BABESCH Supplement 47
Marcello Turci, Lo sviluppo termale del settore costiero della città di Ostia: Riesame della documentazione e nuove indaginialle Thermae Maritimae (IV, X, 1) e alle c.d. Terme Marittime (III, VIII, 2)

Upcoming Supplement – Volume 48

BABESCH Supplement 48
Gemma Jansen, Ann Olga Koloski-Ostrow and Richard Neudecker (eds), Sixty-Six Toilets and Urinals in the Ancient City of Rome. Sanitary, Urbanistic, and Social Agency

Guidelines for submission

BABESCH is always interested to publish original research and conference proceedings in the wider field of Mediterranean Antiquity and Archaeology. In order to propose a book in the Supplements, the following guidelines apply.


Please make sure that your proposal includes the following:

  • Full contact information and academic affiliations
  • A summary of the book’s content (ca. 500 words) and a preliminary table of contents.
  • In case of a volume with multiple articles: a full list of contributors and the extent to which they have agreed to participate
  • A description (ca. 100 words) of the scientific impact of the book
  • An estimate of the total number of words (or signs); the total number of figures and the total number of colored figures
  • A schedule for publication and a provisional date for the submission of the final manuscript

Proposals and/or requests may be sent to the chairman of the BABESCH Supplements Committee. All proposals will be evaluated by the BABESCH Supplements Committee. Anonymous peer review is part of the decision procedure. Generally, you will be informed on the committee’s decision within 10 weeks after submission of the proposal.

After acceptance

With regards to the editorial preparation of your manuscript, please follow the BABESCH instructions for authors.
Books in the BABESCH Supplements usually do not have more than 350 pages and contain a restricted number of colored figures; in case the text and/or the figures exceed the standards, the publisher may require additional funds from the applicant.
You will be asked to submit an abstract of ca. 100 words.
You will regularly be asked to inform BABESCH about the progress in preparing the manuscript.
Preparation for print of the manuscript will be done in cooperation with the BABESCH editorial office. 

Supplements Volumes 1-46 (1975-2023)

Supplement 46
Alexandra Alexandridou, Yannos Kourayos, Ilia Daifa (editors)
Despotiko, the site of Mandra. The “Temple” complex and its deposits
Supplement 45
Alexandra Dardenay
L’insula V d’Herculanum: Transformations spatiales et diachroniques de l’architecture et du décor des habitations
Supplement 44
Paolo Tomassini
Ostie, fenêtres sur cour
Le caseggiato delle taberne finestrate: reconstruire cinq siècles de vie Ostienne
Supplement 43
Jan Driessen, Gert Jan van Wijngaarden
Political geographies of the Bronze Age Aegean.
Proceedings of the joint workshop by the Belgian School at Athens (EBSA) and the Netherlands Institute at Athens (NIA)
Supplement 42
Marijke Gnade, Martina Revello Lami
Tracing Technology. Forty years of archaeological research at Satricum
Supplement 41
Geralda Jurriaans-Helle
Composition in Athenian Black-Figure Vase-Panting:
The ‘Chariot In Profile’ Type Scene
Supplement 40
Gilbert Wiplinger (editor)
De aquaeductu urbis Romae
Sextus Iulius Frontinus and the Water of Rome

Proceedings of the International Frontinus Congress Rome, November 10-18, 2018
Supplement 39
Matthew McCarty & Mariana Egri, editors
The Archaeology of Mithraism
New Finds and Approaches to Mithras-Worship
Supplement 38
Marike van Aerde
Egypt and the Augustan Cultural Revolution
An Interpretative Archaeological Overview
Supplement 37
Carina Hasenzagl
North Tunisian Red Slip Ware from Production Sites in the Salomonson Survey (1960-1972)
Supplement 36
Gilbert Wiplinger
Der Degirmendere Aquädukt von Ephesos
Supplement 35
Itamar Taxel
Fragile Biography
The Life Cycle of Ceramics and Refuse Disposal Patterns in Late Antique and Early Medieval Palestine
Supplement 34
Babette Bechtold & Stefano Vassallo
Le Anfore Puniche dalle Necropoli di Himera
Seconda metà del VII – fine del V sec. a.C.
Supplement 33
Alessandra Avagliano
Le Origini di Pompei
La città tra il VI e il V sec. a.C.
Supplement 32
Gilbert Wiplinger and Wolfram Letzner (editors)
Wasserwesen zur Zeit des Frontinus
Bauwerke – Technik – Kultur

Tagungsband des Internationalen Frontinus- Symposiums Trier, 25.-29. Mai 2016
Supplement 31
Stephan T.A.M. Mols and Eric M. Moormann (editors)
Context and Meaning
Proceedings of the Twelfth International Conference of the Association Internationale pour la Peinture Murale Antique, Athens, September 16-20, 2013
Supplement 30
Frank Vermeulen
From the Mountains to the Sea
The Roman Colonisation and Urbanisation of Central Adriatic Italy)
Supplement 29
Patricia S. Lulof and Christopher J. Smith (editors)
The Age of Tarquinius Superbus: Central Italy in the Late 6th Century
Proceedings of the Conference ‘The Age of Tarquinius Superbus, A Paradigm Shift?’ Rome, 7-9 November 2013
Supplement 28
Roger Wilson
Caddeddi on the Tellaro
A late Roman Villa in Sicily and its Mosaics
Supplement 27
Gilbert Wiplinger (editor)
De Aquaeductu Atque Aqua Urbium Lyciae Pamphyliae Pisidiae
The Legacy of Sextus Julius Frontinus
Tagungsband des Internationalen Frontinus-Symposiums
Antalya, 31. Oktober – 9. November 2014
Supplement 26
A. Andrea Di Castro and Colin A. Hope (editors) and assisted by Bruce E. Parr
Housing and Habitat in the Ancient Mediterranean
Cultural and Environmental Responses
Supplement 25
Antonis Kotsonas (editor)
Understanding Standardization and Variation in Mediterranean Ceramics:
Mid 2nd to Late 1st Millenium BC

Supplement 24
Gilbert Wiplinger (editor)
Historische Wasserleitungen
Gestern – Heute – Morgen

Tagungsband des Internationalen Frontinus-Symposiums
Wien, 19.-23. Oktober 2011
Supplement 23
Sandra Lucore and Monica Trümper (editors)
Greek Baths And Bathing Culture
New Discoveries and Approaches
Supplement 22
Ted Kaizer, Anna Leone, Edmund Thomas and Robert Witcher (editors)
Cities And Gods
Religious Space In Transition
Supplement 21
Ralf Kreiner und Wolfram Letzner (editors)
SPA. Sanitas Per Aquam
Tagungsband des Internationalen Frontinus-Symposiums zur Technik und Kulturgeschichte der antiken Thermen. Aachen, 18.-22. März 2009
Supplement 20
Paul Meyboom and Eric Moormann
Le Decorazioni Dipinte e Marmoree della Domus Aurea di Nerone a Roma
Parte I (Testo) & Parte II (Illustrazioni)
Supplement 19
Gemma Jansen, Ann Olga Koloski-Ostrow and Eric Moormann (editors)
Roman Toilets
Their Archaeology and Cultural History
Supplement 18
Peter Attema, Tymon de Haas and Gijs Tol (editors)
Between Satricum and Antium
Settlement Dynamics in a Coastal Landscape in Latium Vetus
Supplement 17
Kristina Winther-Jacobsen
From Pots to People
A ceramic approach to the archaeological interpretation of ploughsoil
assemblages in Late Roman Cyprus
Supplement 16
L. Bouke van der Meer (editor)
Material Aspects of Etruscan Religion
Proceedings of the International Colloquium
Leiden, May 29 and 30, 2008
Supplement 15
Olivier Hekster & Stephan T.A.M. Mols (editors)
Cultural Messages in the Graeco-Roman World
Acta of the BABESCH 80th Anniversary Workshop
Radboud University Nijmegen, September 8th 2006
Supplement 14
Eric M. Moormann & Vladimir V. Stissi (editors)
Shapes and Images
Studies on Attic Black Figure and Related Topics in Honour of Herman A.G. Brijder
Supplement 13
Hubertus Manderscheid
Dulcissima Aequora
Wasserbewirtschaftung und Hydrotechnik der Terme Suburbane in Pompeii
Supplement 12
G. Wiplinger (editor)
Cura Aquarum in Ephesus Volume I & II
Supplement 11
C.M. Stibbe
Agalmata. Studien zur griechisch-archaischen Bronzekunst
Supplement 10
J. Poblome, P. Talloen, R. Brulet & M. Waelkens (editors)
Early Italian Sigillata
The Chronological Framework and Trade Patterns.
Proceedings of the First International ROCT-Congress, Leuven, May 7 and 8, 1999.
Supplement 9
P. Attema (editor)
Centralization, Early Urbanization and Colonization in First Millennium BC Greece and Italy
Part 1: Italy
Supplement 8
C. Berns, H. von Hesberg, L. Vandeput & M. Waelkens (editors)
Patris und Imperium
Kulturelle und politische Identität in den Städten in den römischen Provinzen Kleinasiens in der frühen Kaiserzeit Kolloquium Köln, November 1998.
Supplement 7
F. Vermeulen & M. Antrop (editors)
Ancient Lines in the Landscape
A Geo-Archeological Study of Protohistoric and Roman Road and Field Systems in Northwestern Gaul
Supplement 6
Gemma C.M. Jansen (editor)
Cura Aquarum in Sicilia
Proceedings of the tenth International Congress on the History of Water Management and Hydraulic Engineering in the Mediterranean Region
Syracuse May 1998.
Supplement 5
F. Vermeulen & M. de Dapper (editors)
Geoarchaeology of the Landscapes of Classical Antiquity
International Colloquium Ghent, 23-24 October 1998.
Supplement 3
Eric M. Moormann (editor)
Functional and Spatial Analysis of Wall Painting
Proceedings of the Fifth International Congress on Ancient Wall Painting
Amsterdam, September 1992
Supplement 2
H. Geertman & J.J. de Jong (editors)
Munus non Ingratum
Proceedings of the International Symposium on Vitruvius’ De Architectura and the Hellenistic and Republican Architecture
Leiden, January 1987
Supplement 1
G. Schneider-Herrmann
Eine niederländische Studiensammlung antiker Kunst


Babesch Supplements Committee as of January 1st, 2024

Dr Gert Jan van Wijngaarden (chair)
supplements (at)
Universty of Amsterdam
Aegean Bronze Age Archaeology; Archaeological Theory and Methodology

Professor Paolo Liverani (Italy) 
Università di studi Firenze
Roman and Late Roman Art; Vatican Museums

Professor Eric Moormann (Netherlands, Germany)
Radboud University, Nijmegen; Liebig Giessen, Germany
Ancient Classical art ; Roman archaeology and art

Professor Cathérine Saliou (France) 
Université Paris VIII
Roman Architecture and urbanism; Roman History 

Professor Monika Trümper (Germany)
Freie Universität Berlin
Greek and Roman Architecture, Urbanism; Settlement Archaeology

Professor Athina Tsingarida (Belgium)
Université libre de Bruxelles
Greek Art and Archaeology

Professor Kevin Walsh (United Kingdom)
University of York
Landscape Archaeology

Dr Antonis Kotsonas (United States, Greece)
New York University
Greek archaeology; Iron Age-Archaic periods

Drs. Beatrice De Fraiture
editorial secretary
contact (at)